spring hint

Maybe soon, looking at this image of some lonely snowdrops. Although, had I photographed the crowds eating gelato in the sun this past weekend it would sure seem Spring has “sprouted”.

In New Jersey we always claim February the longest month of the year and this first of March brings hope of green grass and spring blooms. Here in Munich the snow can last well into April and possibly May. But that doesn’t mean spring fever cannot be celebrated on the first days to reach double-digit temperatures (celsius). Even the garden centers are participating by stocking lots of forced bulbs and frost-resistant blooms like Helleborus and Primula. So let’s celebrate the beginning of the gardening season today and ironically, the anniversary of this blog.

i spy

A snowy diamond suspended…

and diamonds in the snow…

The rolling hills of the Bavarian landscape are so beautiful covered in white, especially when the sun pops out. It’s the most “wintry” of the past winters we have spent here and funny enough the one I’ve enjoyed most. And not just because of the great skiing!